Today’s Focus on Wallingford is featuring Hometown Garden Center owned by Agnes and Justin Royea. The Royea’s have become great friends of mine in recent years. Justin also owns a Wallingford landscaping company called Q-River, LLC and a few winters ago when New England was “drowning in snow” Justin dug out Impressions when it seemed no other plow could! Since then I’ve hired his team to do the studio’s plowing and landscaping. I’m never disappointed in the service they offer. When I found out he and his wife owned Hometown Garden Center, I definitely had to pop my head in!
I specifically decided to feature Hometown Garden Center in the month of December because of the awesome Holiday related items they have. One extra special treat that they have to offer (on the days that aren’t 60 degrees and blindingly sunny) is hot cocoa and a bonfire area you can cuddle up in after shopping. I sat down with Justin and Agnes to see what else they had to say about their business, you can read about it below!
"Hometown Garden Center started out as a little dream between two people who really wanted a place to call their own; a place that people could rely on a good deal, honest smile and handshake.It all began with a borrowed lawn mower and trailer. A weekend warrior, as some would say, is how we started out in the landscape industry. We had a plan and a model that allowed for a rapid growth but with that there is always bumps and changes along the way. In any business you have to learn to adapt to what the consumer needs and wants. We had an increase of customers looking for specialty landscape supplies and ornamental trees. The need for these items made us want a place we could take the customer so that they could see and touch the supplies we would be using on their property.After spending countless weekends going to other garden centers, we finally decided it was time to do it on our own. Five years ago a friend had a property that would be available for lease and it seemed the right fit for our hometown vision. We had a cleared lot and a used trailer we purchased and brought to the site.Fast forward to today, from that little trailer that is still there, we now have three greenhouses and display walkways and patio with a fire pit and much more. The winter holidays are especially fun for us because we get to share our love for festive decorations and just seasonal cheer. Christmas trees, planters and wreaths are all displayed each with their own style and character. We have a little hayride that Santa goes on with our customers on weekends and we have the famous Wallingford's "Talking Rudolph". After Vinny's Garden Center closed we were able to relocate Rudolph to his new home with us, so that all his older patrons could create that tradition for their little ones.We want people to be comfortable coming to us in all four seasons for any landscape need they may have. If you have questions about any of our services do not hesitate to stop in and say hello. We want you to feel welcome and also excited to turn your landscape to an escape all year long!!!! Wishing you all the best in the New Year!"
Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s Focus on Wallingford! Keep your eyes peeled to see our next post and if you’re interested in having your business featured feel free to contact us HERE!