Our senior and school picture day season has finally come to a slow and steady pace here at Impressions. Though I love seeing and photographing so many faces during the height of our season, from May-November, it can be a little tiring. Luckily this "downtime" comes right around one of my favorite holidays: Thanksgiving.
This holiday has different meaning for everyone. Some think food, some football, and some family and friends. I think of a little bit of all of that. Throughout the busy part of the year I really try to share what’s going on here at the studio and in my life through social media posts. Not only is it a piece of the present moment but it’s also an expression of what I am so thankful for in this life of mine.
Owning a business is no easy task and to be successful is even harder. Without the tireless hard work and helping hands of my full time staff, part-time staff, school season hires, small business peers, volunteers, behind the scences vendors and friends I would be exhausted.
The biggest reason I can thank all of these people for their hard work is because of YOU, our loyal clients! Without you, Impressions would truly be nothing. Your allegiance to this business, whether you’re a client, vendor, employee or friend is so motivating and heartwarming. I’m able to make my passion my career every single day, because of you!
I hope to continue to post and remind you of the appreciation I have for you, life and my job throughout the year. I wish everyone a wonderful and healthy holiday season!
Below are a few more things I'm thankful for. The studio mascot kitties, good friends, some sort of athlectic albility, beautiful sunsets, weekend get-a-ways, weekly hikes and great local food.